Colorist Robyn Wheeler Interview

Name:  Robyn Wheeler

How long have you been a colorist?
 +- 1 year

What is/are some of your favorite medium(s)
  • ·      Pencils
  • ·      Markers
  • ·      Pastels

Who are some of your favorite illustrators and or coloring books?
  • ·      Johanna Basford
  • ·      Millie Marotta
  • ·      Pages off Pinterest

Why did you start coloring and does coloring help you with any issues or medical conditions you deal with? 
            I am a hairstylist and stumbled across adult colouring while searching on the Internet for different colouring tecniques for colouring hair. I love been creative and enjoy keeping myself busy, so sitting down and colouring in evenings after work or on a day off is just awesome for me and it does help keep me feeling creative in my work as a hairstylist too!

What would you recommend to anyone thinking about beginning the adventure of coloring?
            Just relax  colour as you wish or feel, there is no right or wrong way of doing it and everyone has their own creative way, there is beauty in everything!

Is there anything else that you would like to share?

            Sharing your work in groups on or on Facebook colouring groups is great, people encourage you and you learn different things from other people's colouring and your ideas for new pictures to colour are endless!


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