Colorist Quintin Cloud Interview

Name:  Quintin Cloud

How long have you been a colorist?
 9 months or so.

What is/are some of your favorite medium(s)
  • ·      Coloured Pencil
  • ·      Coloured Pen
  • ·      Pencils H9 to B9
  • ·      Black Pen
  • ·      High lighters
  • ·      Fibre Tip Pens

Who are some of your favorite illustrators and or coloring books?
  • ·      Reina Cottier
  • ·      Beverley Lawson
  • ·      Holly MacDonald

Why did you start coloring and does coloring help you with any issues or medical conditions you deal with? 
            There are many reasons that got me started colouring again, with the line of work that I do in the engineering field, there are times that I get design block (The same feeling that writers get when they write a new novel just that they call it writers block),  and by colouring a picture or even drawing my own picture and been artistic does help clear one’s mind, and with that  a complex problem at hand is many times solved by doing something completely different. I many times run quite late in doing to evening house hold things that one has to do to keep the house in check and instead of going to waste my time in front of a TV, I instead colour just before I go to bed. I have also found that colouring with my 5 year old daughter is also slowly helping her at junior school in getting her to colour better at school and focus better on the task at hand or at least that is the idea.  I also found that when I have had a less favourable days at work and I want to be left alone it does help to colour and be creative in one’s own style and the only person who be unhappy with your work is yourself.

What would you recommend to anyone thinking about beginning the adventure of coloring?
            In this day and age where people are so busy in ones day to day live and that soft gentle voice is saying to you, find time for yourself and let that inner child out for some me time, well Colouring is a great way to be a kid again without the pain of falling out of the tree to be a kid again. What one must remember is that you do not need to be an art expert, we all learnt to colour at school and yes some kids where better than others, but at the end of the day what ever colour you use and how you apply it to the picture that are colouring in is your choice, If you want Pink sky instead of blue then do it, If you think the cat must be rainbow coloured, then great! One does not have to go and buy a adult colouring book because it is the “in thing” it does help sometimes should one be pressed for time, If you feel happy to take your son and/or daughters colouring book and colour a page of two then do it, and if you want to draw and/or colour a unicorn or Dragon go for it, you are the only one that can say what picture make you happy. Remember that time and practice will get you to the point that will bring happiness to you. One must remember that is your picture and journey of happiness, no one else’s. Go and be that kid again!!

Is there anything else that you would like to share?
            Why have you not started colouring yet? Go and get started, and show the world what brings happiness to you.


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