Colorist Meli Gifford Interview

Name:  Meli Gifford

How long have you been a colorist?
 Since Sept. 2, 2015

What is/are some of your favorite medium(s)
  • ·      Watercolor pencil
  • ·      Colored pencil
  • ·      Gel pens

Who are some of your favorite illustrators and or coloring books?
  • ·      Squidoodle
  • ·      Creative Haven & Dover Publishing
  • ·      Chubby Art
  • ·      Absur'd series
  • ·      Erica H.

Why did you start coloring and does coloring help you with any issues or medical conditions you deal with? 
            I am in chronic pain due to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. While I love crafting, there are days I cannot even get out of bed. Rather than continue binge-watching netflix (or reading until my eyeballs cramp), I decided to find an alternative. I needed a creative outlet, but I am terrible at drawing. I tried zentangling, but I cannot remember the individual tangles. I was frustrated and getting depressed... and a friend on facebook joined a coloring group. although no conversations occured between us, I, too, joined the group. I downloaded a lot of coloring pages & printed them out. I quickly hated markers, and I already knew I couldn't tolerated crayons due to sensory issues. Hubs took me out that night and I picked up a set of 12 Crayola Colored Pencils. I was HOOKED. My pain levels started decreasing, my depression started lifting, and my anxiety lowered. My husband noticed and started purchasing things to help... coloring books, watercolor pencils, and both a 24 set of prismacolor scholars and a 48 set of prismacolor premiers. All of this within a month! Now, instead of focusing on my problems, I focus on improving my techniques. Life has vastly improved - thanks to coloring.

What would you recommend to anyone thinking about beginning the adventure of coloring?
            Just do it! Start with something that looks a bit simpler to not only get your hands and brain in the game, but for the sense of satisfaction when complered. More complex images can come in time, but can be overwhelming in the beginning. Be kind to yourself, as well. The end product isnt what matters, it's the journey. Ignore "mistakes"... really, life is messy, too! :)

Is there anything else that you would like to share?
            Coloring is great to share with friends. There's nothing like chatting while coloring with friends and loved ones! However, don't knock coloring by yourself and letting go of all the stress and worry in your life. Its very therapeutic! :)


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