Colorist Lily Kerns Interview

Name:  Lily Kerns

How long have you been a colorist?
 All my life I gues, back in the days when a 16 color box of Crayolas was a treasure. Officially howevr, I was past 30 when I took an adult oil painting class.  The small painting group we formed spent an entire year just studying color.  Then some twenty years later, I took a fabric dyeing class and learned even more.

What is/are some of your favorite medium(s)
  • ·      acrylic
  • ·      pencil, especially the woodless ones, both black and colors
  • ·      watercolor pencils (Derwent and Caron d'Arche)
  • ·      fabric
  • ·      Computer graphics--Corel Painter, Photoshop, CorelDraw
  • ·      you name it. I've probably tried it!

Who are some of your favorite illustrators and or coloring books?
  • ·      I love mandalas-- especially delicate graceful ones.

Why did you start coloring and does coloring help you with any issues or medical conditions you deal with? 
            I enjoy working with color of any kind.  At the moment I am concentrating on designing coloring book pages and only coloring small parts of my print outs.  Too many to fully color them all!  I can lose myself in both coloring and designing. 

What would you recommend to anyone thinking about beginning the adventure of coloring?
            Just do it.  Use what you have.  The more colors (hues, values, intensities) you have the better. I love the acrylics because the variations are endless. It doesn't have to be realistic color! 

Is there anything else that you would like to share?

            I teach a creative color class at  It focuses on understanding color and using it intuitively.  After all, one has been looking at color all you life.  You may not know the technical terms, but you do know more than you probably think.  I also have two Creative Color boards at these images were chosen specifically for their use of color. 

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