Colorist Debra Gahring Interview

Name:  Debra Gahring

How long have you been a colorist?
 All my life. I am 58. Even as a tot my mom would give coloring books and crayons.

What is/are some of your favorite medium(s)
  • ·      Markers
  • ·      color pencils
  • ·      gel pens

Who are some of your favorite illustrators and or coloring books?
  • ·      Creative Haven, Dover and Mindware brands
  • ·      Thaneeya McArdle (4 books) and that style
  • ·      Marjorie Sarnat (2 books) and similar styles
  • ·      Marty Noble (5 books)
  • ·      Sugar Skulls, Steampunk, Manga
  • ·      Color Counts, Mystery Mosaics and Querkies

Why did you start coloring and does coloring help you with any issues or medical conditions you deal with? 
            Let me start by saying I am a graphic designer. I have colored on and off forever. During college I would go to art store and get the adult coloring books (Dover brand mostly back then). After college (Art school) I was working in a creative field so wasn't coloring as much for years, occasionally I wold purchase a book at the art store to color. About 2 year ago my husband was diagnosed with on the bone cancer, which has now spread to inside the bone (stage IV) Last Dec i quit my job to be his full time caregiver. Thus after about six months I needed a creative outlet, and someone at doctors office mentioned they were coloring, so i got out my books and tried it on a bad day and the stress just melted away. So too many new books and new coloring supplies (markers, pencils, etc) later I am hooked again. Pretty much coloring a bit every day. 

What would you recommend to anyone thinking about beginning the adventure of coloring?
            Buy a book that has some topic that interest you. Buy a one side pages book, cheap set of markers, crayons, colored pencils, gels. And give it a try.

Is there anything else that you would like to share?

            There are a lot of inexpensive books and supplies out there. You don't have to spend a lot. And don't stress about what it looks like or you arn't good enough. Its for your enjoyment and the books art that expensive so if you ruin one, just let it go you have 30 more pages to do.

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