Colorist Cici Davies Interview

Name:  Cici Davies

How long have you been a colorist?
 3 years

What is/are some of your favorite medium(s)
  • ·      Markers
  • ·      Gel pens
  • ·      Pencils

Who are some of your favorite illustrators and or coloring books?
  • ·      Creative Haven
  • ·      Millie Marotta
  • ·      Dover Publications

Why did you start coloring and does coloring help you with any issues or medical conditions you deal with? 
            I started colouring in my 2nd year of my 3 year degree. I have always liked colouring and then I just got it into my head that I could colour even as an adult, who's to say I couldn't? When I started, there were not many books for adult colouring available, at least not in store, and few online. I spent an entire day visiting bookstore, department stores, kids stores, trying to find colouring books, and got some very strange looks when asking. I ended up that day with a simple Disney Princesses book! Thankfully, I found some online and would have them shipped to me. My friends would call me up to hang out and then sheepishly ask if we could, you know, maybe colour for a bit?  The other day I was in a bookstore, they had an entire colouring book section and the majority of people coming in the store were asking about colouring books! I have depression and anxiety and my job can be quite mentally taxing. I find colouring to be extremely relaxing. As well, I have joined a couple colouring groups on Facebook and it is fun to see what other people are colouring, what mediums they are using, and overall is a great community to be a part of. My boyfriend calls colouring "my happy place" and I agree with him.

What would you recommend to anyone thinking about beginning the adventure of coloring?
            Don't think too much! I am very "A" type personality - I love structure and order; I have  a hard time sometimes deciding what picture to start, and then deciding on what colours to use. Just go with it, let go of all that. If you think it's going to be hard to decide which colours you want, there are colour by number books and mystery mosaics. This weekend I picked up a Dover publications colouring book of stained glass mermaids - made on a see through paper you can hang up when finished with. There is something for everyone. Don't compare yourself to others either - you are colouring for yourself! There are going to be people better (and worse) than you. Just enjoy the colouring moment.

Is there anything else that you would like to share?
            Go out and colour!


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